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Highlands Wrestling Club Saves Lives!

When You Buy Wrestling Gear, MMA Equipment Or Fight Clothing From Our Online Store, You’re Getting The Best Supplies At A Discount Price & Contributing To A Great Cause

At, we are totally dedicated to offering the best brand name wrestling equipment and mma fighting supplies for cheap discount prices.  Customer service and running an efficient store that you will make customers want to come back are top priorities for us.  Another top priority however is the charity we donate money to.  HighlandsFightGear was originally developed as a fund raiser for a wrestling club we have grown attached to, with a large portion of our profits being donated to them.  You will see our charity’s name, Highlands Wrestling Club throughout our store so you know your money is not only being used to purchase the best mma gear and wrestling supplies, but it’s also going to a worthy cause.
The Highlands Wrestling Club is a non-profit organization with its roots in Southwest Virginia (Abingdon).  Their mission is to train athletes from youth through high school in the art of folkstyle wrestling to prepare them for high level competition and the challenges of life.  Their program offers a structured learning environment that not only trains kids physically but also teaches important life skills such as discipline, time management and keeping a positive mental attitude. 
The Highlands Wrestling Club (HWC) was designed as a feeder program for the local Abingdon High School, however has become much more than that.  HWC is the epitome of the phrase ‘Wrestling Saves Lives’ and has given numerous potentially delinquent kids new leases on life.  Unfortunately in today’s society, broken homes are the norm and many youths are lost to crime or drugs from a lack of discipline, direction or boredom.  Clubs like the HWC offer structure and mentoring that produce champions on not only the wrestling mat, but all areas of life.
As the Highlands Wrestling Club has developed a track record for producing both quality athletes and responsible members of society, their size continues to grow; as do their expenses.  Being a non-profit organization, the club relies heavily on fund raisers and donations to operate, however has outgrown its current facility and ability to handle greater numbers of kids.  The coaches and assistants volunteer their time without compensation, however get regular acquisitions for paid positions elsewhere.  Monies needed to pay their coaches, expand their facility and provide expenses for athlete’s tournament fees are top priorities for donations.
Join us on our quest to help the Highlands Wrestling Club become bigger and better!  When you purchase your wrestling gear or mma fight supplies from our online store, a large percentage of the profits go directly to them.  Become a regular customer and feel great knowing you’re also contributing to expanding the sport of wrestling while helping kids develop physically, mentally and socially.  Visit the Highlands Wrestling Club website for more information about their club, goals or to donate directly to them. 

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